Kofounder is a global team of passionate business growth specialists with a shared mission.

Kofounder is busy onboarding talented professionals on every continent - except Antarctica, we're working on that🐧. With full-stack 360° capabilities spanning growth strategy, marketing, sales, product development and operations, Kofounder is your all-in-one growth partner, bringing the PRO strategy, tools and team needed to activate and sustain profitable growth.

We're on a mission to democratise entrepreneurship 🚀

Meet our founders👋

"Hey. We're Jake and Kane. Two brothers from Perth, Australia and co-founders of...Kofounder.

Why did we start this venture you may ask?

For some background context...since the early 2000's we've founded various tech and non-tech startups that've collectively generated tens of millions in revenue, attracted tens of millions in private equity investment, employed hundreds of people, thousands of contractors, and won multiple awards for innovation and growth. 

We've built some cool stuff and had some fun along the way. But we've had our fair share of failures too. Like seriously, we've both lost everything...houses, cars, girl friends...pride...we've both come within inches of bankruptcy.

However, it was through these hard knocks that some of our greatest learnings were made and now we can pass these learnings on -> to help others with their entrepreneurial journey.

Launching a startup successfully is a predictable process if you know what you're doing. It's more science, than art. There's a reason why the majority of successful CEOs are engineers by trade. Successful companies are engineered, not painted.

We both started our careers as engineers. So it was a natural progression for us to combine all our skills into engineering a system (a platform) that could launch and grow businesses successfully - AT SCALE. 

Now we're on a mission to build a platform that can inspire and empower [potentially] millions of individuals to transition from being stuck in the rat race, to level up, launch a business and become life long entrepreneurs. 

Gaining this skill is liberating. It's life changing. And we hope to help change peoples lives by guiding and enabling them to take that step, to level up their life and become a successful entrepreneur.

So if you're stuck in the rat race and want to escape - then book a free Discovery Session! We can help you."

You can read more about our background here.

Book a free Discovery Call

Let's find the best pathway to launch and grow your business quickly.